App marketers, don’t forget to maximize your Google Ads results with Firebase

Do DON Done
3 min readAug 19, 2022

Hi, this is Donna and I am a product specialist @ Google where I help App businesses grow with measurement and insights. Please subscribe for more sharings on Biz, Tech & Analytics.

Let’s be honest here, there isn’t a perfect Mobile Measurement Partner (MMP) for App marketers to understand how mobile app marketing campaign performs (especially after the iOS14 updates). There are so many MMP options available in the market and each serves very different used cases. Besides x-channel media measurement, from an ads optimization perspective, if you place any Google Ads, you definitely should maximize your App ads performances with Firebase.

Here’s why —

Using Firebase and Google Ads together

Google acquired Firebase and from an MMP perspective, it provides data attribution and has powerful built-in functions at the backend to help marketers track users’ in-app activities, push notifications, and Google ads performances.


There are 3 key benefits listed in the Firebase developer doc and they are:

  1. Analytics audience segmentation
  2. Export audience lists to Ads
  3. Import events from Analytics into Ads

Since Firebase is a product by Google, the linking of Firebase with Google Ads allows seamless integrations to refine Google Ads modeling for potentially better performances. Also, the data in Firebase and Google Ads are structured more consistently, allowing Google Ads to review the signals and help campaigns ramp up faster.

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Some key features exclusive to GA4 App marketers would be to import predictive audiences to Google Ads for App Campaign Install similar audience modeling and App Campaign Engagement targeting activation.

McDonald’s is a client that I’ve worked with and they have specifically used predictive audiences feature to engage with prospective users who are likely to place in-app orders. The result was astonishing and it helps drive in-app order by 550%! Finding valuable and quality audiences is definitely what a lot of businesses and brands are looking to do and they should think about how to properly leverage their own 1PD.

Link Google Ads to Firebase

I found the documentation and the following demo workshop on Firebase integrations with Google Ads quite comprehensive. The step by step guide explains really well to developers how to set up Firebase SDK and for marketers on ways to integrate Firebase andGoogle Ads

Here are the important timestamp —

3:00 — 5:30 Create Firebase project for your App (for developers)

5:31–8:07 Create conversions in your Firebase project (for developers)

7:40 — 8:14 Import event goals to Google Ads (for developers + marketers)

8:15–12:38 Create audiences in your Firebase project (for marketers to define the audience logic)

29:58–32:28 Import audiences from Firebase to Google Ads

Try bidding or targeting your Google Ads with Firebase event goals and audience list. Feel free to comment and let me know how your Google Ads perform!

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Disclaimer: All of the information provided is from externally available sources. The opinions expressed in this blog post are solely mine and do not necessarily represent those of Google.

Don’t forget to give me some love 👏 !



Do DON Done

This is Donna and I write about Tech, Measurement & Analytics